Marcha dos três planetas / cvlto do fvtvrv

CCBB, Sao Paulo, October 2015.

The action is part of the project “Cvlto do Fvtvrv. The public was asked to previously subscribe at Cvlto do Fvtvrv.


PART 1 The action is part of the project “Cvlto do Fvtvrv. The public was asked to previously subscribe at in order to participate in the procession. Subscription would generate an identification card. The participants were asked to dress accordingly (dress code for the march: black pants, black shoes, and white shirt), and would receive identification cards, brooches, masks, banners, and hymnals. The meeting start point for the action was the Municipal Theater, heading to Viaduto do Chá, towards Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil. During the procession the hymn “Three planets”, composed by Stephan in partnership with Lia Paris and Mixhell (Iggor Cavalera and Laima Leyton), was sung.


PART 2 Balcão de Adesão ( Membership Desk ) Installation. Tables, chairs, fabrics, printed banners, off set publications, fanzines, brooches, printed and framed pictures. Inspired in religious and corporative volunteers desks, the installation offered publications and printed material available to the public: The Elucidário, The Pyramid, The Three Planet hymnal, and followers responsible for receiving filled out adhesion registration files for volunteering at future actions.

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