Balcão de Adesão

(2018) VERBO 2018 – Mostra de Performance Arte

Galeria Vermelho & Galpão VB


Balcão de Adesão was part of VERBO – Mostra de Performance Arte and took place at a stand center no Avenida Paulista. The commercial galleries popularly known as "stand centers", spread across the central area of ​​São Paulo, house hundreds of stores and are known for selling, among other things, imported products, especially pirated versions of electronics, perfumes, games, shoes and clothing.


Balcão de Adesão / Membership Desk is one of the actions of the Cvlto do Fvtvrv project where the public can sign up to become a member or volunteer, acquire Cvlto do Fvtvrv's ID card, buy publications and receive information about the Church of Fvtvrv. 


To learn more, 


Photos – Edouard Fraipont

Vídeo – Mario Junior

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